Tags: Children and Youth

The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2021 : The Potential to Scale

Publishing Organizations: World Bank

Authors: N/A

The IKEA Foundation Livelihoods and Energy Projects Among Somali Refugees and Hosts in Melkadida (Ethiopia): Phase 3 Baseline Report

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR, TANGO International

Authors: Maryada Vallet, Dr. Victoria Brown

Fostering Refugee Self-reliance: A Case Study of an Agency's Approach in Nairobi

Publishing Organization: Journal of Refugee Studies

Author: Amy Slaughter

Informing the Refugee Policy Response in Uganda: Results from the Uganda Refugee and Host Communities 2018 Household Survey

Publishing Organizations: The World Bank

Authors: N/A

Innovative Financing for Responses to Refugee Crises

Publishing Organizations: Airbel Center, International Rescue Committee, UKAid

Authors: Courtnay Cabot Venton, Julian Richardson, Toscane Clarey, and Ginevra Jarmaine

Refuge in the City

Publishing Organization: Social Sciences

Author: Dale Buscher

Dreams Deterred: Opportunities to Promote Self-Reliance for Somali Refugee Youth in Kenya

Publishing Organization: International Rescue Committee

Authors: Victor Odero and Sterling Roop

Resilient and Self-Reliant Life: South Sudanese Refugees Imagining Futures in the Adjumani Refugee Setting, Uganda

Publishing Organization: Children & Society

Authors: Julie Schiltz, Ilse Derluyn, Wouter Vanderplasschen, and Sofie Vindevogel

Dangerous Ground: Syria's Refugees Face an Uncertain Future

Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger, CARE, Danish Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee, Durable Solutions Platform

Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia

Publishing Organizations: Samuel Hall, ReDSS

Sustainable Livelihoods for Refugees in Protracted Crises

Publishing Organization: K4D (UK department for International Development Helpdesk)

Author: Claire Mcloughlin

Formidable Intersections: Forced Migration, Gender and Livelihoods

Author: Dale Buscher

Living Out of Camp: Alternative to Camp-Based Assistance for Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia

Publishing Organizations: Samuel Hall, Norwegian Refugee Council

Economic Empowerment of Urban Refugee Youth

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Authors: Josh Chaffin, Dale Buscher

Dawn in the City: Guidance for Achieving Urban Refugee Self-Reliance

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Author: Jina Krause-Vilmar