Publication Year: 2015

Global Report 2015

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Humanitarian Assistance and the Politics of Self-reliance: Uganda's Nakivale Refugee Settlement

Publishing Organizations: Centre for International Governance Innovation

Authors: Suzan Ilcan, Marcia Oliver, and Laura Connoy

From Dependence to Self-Reliance: Changing the Paradigm in Protracted Refugee Situations

Publishing Organizations: Migration Policy Institute

Author: T. Alexander Aleinikoff

Protracted Displacement: Uncertain Paths to Self-Reliance in Exile

Publishing Organizations: Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute

Authors: Nicholas Crawford, John Cosgrave, Simone Haysom, and Nadine Walicki

Devolution in Kenya

Publishing Organizations: ReDSS, Samuel Hall

Authors: Samuel Hall

Urban Refugee Self-Reliance Pilot Program in Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania

Authors: Church World Service Global, Erick Rutaihwa, Irene Mwasanga, Jean Guy Kwuimi, Andrew Fuys, and Nshuti Rugerinyange

Formidable Intersections: Forced Migration, Gender and Livelihoods

Author: Dale Buscher