Looking for support with the Self-Reliance Index?
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Already using the SRI in your work? Interested in learning more about the tool? Have questions about Version 3.0?
Contact RSRI Training & Technical Support Manager Ned Meerdink to schedule a live training or receive further support with the SRI.
The SRI Cycle 2 Learning Report, published in 2022, detailed lessons learned from integrating the SRI into existing operations within new contexts and a wider range of populations.
The SRI Cycle 3 Learning Report, which covers January 2022 through August 2024, includes updates on the objectives established in the Cycle 2 Learning Report, including further validity testing as well as the team’s progress in revising and implementing the SRI’s safety domain. Additionally, this Cycle 3 Learning Report reviews the RSRI’s progress in improving data quality across activities, including developments related to the SRI Dashboard. The report also shares learning from an analysis of interviews with SRI users on how implementation of the tool might inform adaptive management practices within organizations.
As our learning progresses, we will share updates on how partner agencies are using the SRI as their global M&E tool for self-reliance and report on recent funding awarded to evaluate self-reliance programming using the SRI.