Building a Movement, Changing a Paradigm

Today’s increase in forced displacement, together with often inaccessible sustainable solutions, leaves increasing numbers of people in indefinite limbo, many for decades. This comes at a time when global humanitarian budgets are severely strained, resulting in inadequate and unpredictable aid. The RSRI helps create innovative and collaborative solutions to shift this humanitarian response paradigm and create a stronger future for refugees.

In our 2024-2028 Case for Support, we share our five-year strategy and aspiration to transform how the world responds to refugees and other forcibly displaced populations.

Over the next five years, the RSRI aims to:

  1. Achieve a reputation for technical excellence and credibility as the central hub for convening on self-reliance.

  2. Reach millions of refugees globally each year with high-quality, holistic, self-reliance programming that increases their social and economic inclusion.

  3. Broaden our membership vis-a-vis geographic coverage, types of stakeholders engaged, and depth engagement. We aim to have at least 25% of our members be national or refugee-led entities.

  4. Foster uptake of the SRI with expanded use by more actors in more contexts. SRI data should inform and improve programming and influence funders and policymakers.

  5. Influence at least 15 major funders to invest in advancing self-reliance and at least five host governments to improve their refugee policies that enable self-reliance.

The journey from displacement to self-reliance should be accelerated and marked by dignity, opportunity, and inclusion. Together, we can change the existing paradigm and create a world where refugees build their own futures.

To discuss funding options or the priorities laid out in our 2024–2028 strategy, please contact the RSRI at