Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR
Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, Andrew Mitchell
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative
Authors: Dr. Ilana Seff, Dr. Lindsay Stark, Kari Diener, Kellie Leeson, Ned Meerdink, Alli Gillespie
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative
Author(s): Climate Risks and Self-Reliance Technical Working Group (TWG)
Publishing Organizations: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Author(s): Boel McAteer and Kellie Leeson
Publishing Organizations: International Rescue Committee (IRC) RE:BUiLD Program
Author(s): Author: Everlyn Kaumba with contributions from Priscilla Dembetembe, Belinda Muya, Elizabeth Mukami, Victor Otsimi, David Musiime, and Ned Meerdink
Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR
Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, Andrew Mitchell
Publishing Organizations: Center for Global Development, International Rescue Committee
Authors: Cindy Huang, Janeen Madan, Nazanin Ash, Madeleine Gleave, and Lauren Post
Publishing Organizations: The Urban Institute
Authors: Loren Landau, Kabiri Bule, Ammar A. Malik, Caroline Wanjiku-Kihato, Yasemin Irvin-Erickson, Benjamin Edwards, and Edward Mohr
Publishing Organizations: IIED, Cardiff University, Urban Crises Learning Fund, Addis Ababa University, Danish Refugee Council
Authors: Alison Brown, Peter Mackie, Kate Dickenson, and Tegegne Gebre-Egziabher
Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council, International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School
Authors: N/A
This October 2017 Brief from the Refugee Studies Center, Refugee Self-Reliance: Moving Beyond the Marketplace, features an article (page 5) written by RSRI leaders Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson, entitled: How do we measure refugee self-reliance?
This two-page document from 2017 provides a brief overview of the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI), a summary of the global refugee crisis, the goals of the RSRI, and the coalition members.
Publishing Organization: Oxford Refugee Studies Center
Authors: Evan Easton-Calabria, Ulrike Krause, Jessica Field, Anubhav Tiwari, Yamini Mookherjee, Caitlin Wake, Veronique Barbelet, Estella Carpi, Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson
Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR
Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, and Andrew Mitchell
Publishing Organizations: IIED, Urban Crises, O.P. Jindal Global University
Authors: Jessica Field, Anubhav Dutt Tiwari, and Yamini Mookherjee
Publishing Organization: Journal of Refugee Studies
Author: David Beversluis, David Schoeller-Diaz, Martin Anderson, Natalie Anderson, Amy Slaughter, and Ronak B. Patel
Publishing Organization: K4D (UK department for International Development Helpdesk)
Author: Claire Mcloughlin
The Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI) is a multi-stakeholder collaboration that promotes opportunities for refugees around the world to become self-reliant and achieve a better quality of life, while simultaneously advocating for the full enjoyment of their rights.
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