Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative, RefugePoint, RELON Uganda, and R-SEAT
Expanding the Meaningful Engagement of Refugee-Led Organizations in Kenya
Publishing Organizations: RefugePoint and the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative in partnership with refugee-led organizations operating in Nairobi, Kenya
Self-Reliance Evidence Review
Ten Challenges to Build Better Lives Now
In this September 2018 report, members of the RSRI are challenging themselves – and other policymakers, practitioners and private citizens, including representatives of governments, multilateral organizations, funders, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, research and academic institutions, and civil society – to take the following 10 practical steps towards making self-reliance opportunities a reality for refugees.
Refugee Self-Reliance Overview
This two-page document from 2017 provides a brief overview of the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI), a summary of the global refugee crisis, the goals of the RSRI, and the coalition members.