Organizations: Mercy Corps

The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Its Impact on the Jordanian Labour Market

Publishing Organization: WANA Institute

Authors: Dr. Salem Ajluni, Dorsey Lockhart

Ten Challenges to Build Better Lives Now

In this September 2018 report, members of the RSRI are challenging themselves – and other policymakers, practitioners and private citizens, including representatives of governments, multilateral organizations, funders, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, research and academic institutions, and civil society – to take the following 10 practical steps towards making self-reliance opportunities a reality for refugees.

Syrian Refugee Labour Inclusion Policy in Jordan: Emerging Trends Two Years In

Publishing Organizations: UKAid, WANA Institute, Mercy Corps

Author: Dorsey Lockhart

Syrian Refugees and Social Cohesion in Jordan

Publishing Organizations: WANA Institute, UKAid, Mercy Corps

Authors: Dorsey Lockhart and Katrina Barker

Syrian Refugee Women and Workforce Inclusion in 2017

Publishing Organizations: WANA Institute, DFID, Mercy Corps

Authors: Dorsey Lockhart, and Katrina Barker