Country: Egypt

Measuring the Self-Reliance of Refugees

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Authors: Kellie Leeson, Prem B Bhandari, Anna Myers, Dale Buscher

Journal of Refugee Studies Special Issue: Rethinking Refugee Self-Reliance

Publishing Organization: Journal of Refugee Studies

Editors: Evan Easton-Calabria and Claudena Skran

Refuge in the City

Publishing Organization: Social Sciences

Author: Dale Buscher

Leave no one behind: graduation for refugees

Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR

Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, Andrew Mitchell

Leaving No One Behind: Graduation for Refugees

Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR

Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, and Andrew Mitchell

Economic Empowerment of Urban Refugee Youth

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Authors: Josh Chaffin, Dale Buscher

Refugee livelihoods: A review of the evidence

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Author: Machtelt De Vriese