Publication Year: 2016

Livelihoods and Self-reliance

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

From Care And Maintenance To Self-Reliance: Sustainable Business Model Connecting Malian Refugee Artisans To Swiss Markets Using Public-Private Partnerships

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Author: Shalini Mehan

Beyond Care and Maintenance: Rebuilding Hope and Opportunity for Refugees

Publishing Organizations: Transatlantic Council on Migration

Authors: Demetrios G. Papademetriou, and Susan Fratzke

Building Livelihood Opportunities for Refugee Populations: Lessons from Past Practice

Publishing Organizations: Transatlantic Council on Migration

Authors: Karen Jacobsen, Susan Fratzke

"Yes" In My Backyard?

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR, The World Bank

Authors: Apurva Sanghi, Harun Onder, and Varalakshmi Vemuru

Global Toolkit on the 3x6 approach: Building resilience through jobs and livelihoods

Publishing Organizations: UNDP

Authors: N/A

Refugees asked to fish for themselves: The Role of Livelihoods Trainings for Kampala's Urban Refugees

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: Evan Easton-Calabria

Local Integration Focus: Uganda Durable Solutions Framework

Publishing Organization: ReDSS

Author: Rachel Bernu

Rapid Market Assessment & Commodity Value Chain Analyses: Kakuma Refugee Programme

Publishing Organizations: Samuel Hall, Action Africa Help International, UNHCR, Danish Refugee Council

Authors: Samuel Hall

Refugees Vulnerability Study, Kakuma, Kenya

Publishing Organizations: Kimetrica, UNHCR, World Food Programme

Authors: Dr. Helen Guyatt, Flavia Della Rosa, Jenny Spencer

Brief: Economic Inclusion of the Poorest Refugees

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR, Trickle Up, CGAP

Authors: Aude de Montesquiou, Syed Hashemi, Janet Heisey and Ziad Ayoubi