Developing a Camp Performance Indicator System and Its Application to Zaatari, Jordan

Publishing Organization: Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Authors: Anna-Mara Schön, Shahad Al-Saadi, Jakob Grubmueller, and Dorit Schumann-Bölsche

Lives in Crises : What Do People Tell Us About the Humanitarian Aid They Receive?

Publishing Organizations: OECD

Authors: Cyprien Fabre, and Ruiqi Li

Five Ways to Improve the World Bank Funding for Refugees and Hosts in Low Income Countries and Why These Dedicated Resources Matter More than Ever

Publishing Organizations: International Rescue Committee, Center for Global Development

Authors: Sarah Charles, Cindy Huang, Lauren Post, and Kate Gough

Dreams Deterred: Opportunities to Promote Self-Reliance for Somali Refugee Youth in Kenya

Publishing Organization: International Rescue Committee

Authors: Victor Odero and Sterling Roop

Resilient and Self-Reliant Life: South Sudanese Refugees Imagining Futures in the Adjumani Refugee Setting, Uganda

Publishing Organization: Children & Society

Authors: Julie Schiltz, Ilse Derluyn, Wouter Vanderplasschen, and Sofie Vindevogel

Ten Challenges to Build Better Lives Now

In this September 2018 report, members of the RSRI are challenging themselves – and other policymakers, practitioners and private citizens, including representatives of governments, multilateral organizations, funders, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, research and academic institutions, and civil society – to take the following 10 practical steps towards making self-reliance opportunities a reality for refugees.

Learning from Survivor and Community-Led Crisis Responses in the Philippines

Publishing Organization: Local to Global Protection

Authors: Regina “Nanette” Antequisa, Justin Corbett

Food security, resilience and well-being analysis of refugees and host communities in northern Uganda

Publishing Organizations: FAO

Authors: N/A

Syrian Refugee Labour Inclusion Policy in Jordan: Emerging Trends Two Years In

Publishing Organizations: UKAid, WANA Institute, Mercy Corps

Author: Dorsey Lockhart

Supporting Kakuma's Refugees: The Importance of Freedom of Movement

Publishing Organization: Norwegian Refugee Council

Supporting Kakuma's Refugee Traders: The Importance of Business Documentation in an Informal Economy

Publishing Organization: Norwegian Refugee Council

Self-Reliance in Kalobeyei? Socio-Economic Outcomes for refugees in North-West Kenya

Publishing Organizations: Oxford Refugee Studies Centre, World Food Programme

Authors: Alexander Betts, Remco Geervliet, Claire MacPherson, Naohiko Omata, Cory Rodgers and Olivier Sterck

Learning from Community-Led Resilience Responses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Publishing Organization: Local to Global Protection

Authors: Sofie Grundin, Luna Saadeh

Kakuma as a Marketplace

Publishing Organizations: International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)

Syrian Refugees and Social Cohesion in Jordan

Publishing Organizations: WANA Institute, UKAid, Mercy Corps

Authors: Dorsey Lockhart and Katrina Barker

Evaluation of the Regional Development and Protection Programme in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq

Publishing Organization: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Refugee Economies in Kenya

Publishing Organization: Oxford Refugee Studies Centre

Authors: Alexander Betts, Naohiko Omata, and Olivier Sterck