Kenyan Study Sheds New Light on Gap between Refugees and Host Communities

Author: Alexander Betts

Don't Make African Nations Borrow Money to Support Refugees

Publishing Organization: Foreign Policy

Author: Alexander Betts

Dangerous Ground: Syria's Refugees Face an Uncertain Future

Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger, CARE, Danish Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee, Durable Solutions Platform

The Jordan Compact: Lessons Learnt and Implications for Future Refugee Compacts

Publishing Organization: Overseas Development Institute

Authors: Veronique Barbelet, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, and Dina Mansour-Ille

Innovating Mobile Solutions for Refugees in East Africa

Publishing Organizations: Samuel Hall, Elrha, Humanitarian Innovation Fund

Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia

Publishing Organizations: Samuel Hall, ReDSS

Leave no one behind: graduation for refugees

Publishing Organizations: Trickle Up, UNHCR

Authors: Helene Kuhle, Alexi Taylor-Grosman, Andrew Mitchell

Resilience and self-reliance from a protection and solutions perspective

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Refugee economies - Forced displacement and development

Publishing Organizations: Oxford University Press

Authors: Alexander Betts, Louise Bloom, Josiah Kaplan, and Naohiko Omata

The Myth of Self-Reliance: Economic lives inside a Liberian refugee camp

Publishing Organizations: Berghahn Books

Authors: Naohiko Omata

Global Business and Refugee Crises: A Framework for Sustainable Engagement

Publishing Organizations: Center for Global Development, Tent Foundation

Author: Cindy Huang

Refugee Compacts - Addressing the Crisis of Protracted Displacement

Publishing Organizations: Center for Global Development, International Rescue Committee

Authors: Cindy Huang, Janeen Madan, Nazanin Ash, Madeleine Gleave, and Lauren Post

Displacement and Disconnection? Exploring the Role of Social Networks in the Livelihoods of Refugees in Gaziantep, Nairobi, and Peshawar

Publishing Organizations: The Urban Institute

Authors: Loren Landau, Kabiri Bule, Ammar A. Malik, Caroline Wanjiku-Kihato, Yasemin Irvin-Erickson, Benjamin Edwards, and Edward Mohr

Promoting ‘self-reliance’ for refugees: what does it really mean?

Publishing Organizations: University of Oxford Refugee Studies Centre

Author: Naohiko Omata

Refugee Economies: Lessons from Addis Ababa

Publishing Organizations: IIED, Cardiff University, Urban Crises Learning Fund, Addis Ababa University, Danish Refugee Council

Authors: Alison Brown, Peter Mackie, Kate Dickenson, and Tegegne Gebre-Egziabher

Recognising Nairobi's Refugees

Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council, International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School

Authors: N/A

The Case for Measuring Self-Reliance

In October 2017, RSRI technical advisor and co-founder Amy Slaughter published this article (page 6), The Case for Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance, in Evaluation Connections from the European Evaluation Society.

How do we measure self-reliance?

This October 2017 Brief from the Refugee Studies Center, Refugee Self-Reliance: Moving Beyond the Marketplace, features an article (page 5) written by RSRI leaders Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson, entitled: How do we measure refugee self-reliance?

Refugee Self-Reliance Overview

This two-page document from 2017 provides a brief overview of the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI), a summary of the global refugee crisis, the goals of the RSRI, and the coalition members.

The Case for Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance

Publishing Organization: European Evaluation Society (Evaluation Connections)

Author: Amy Slaughter