Better Lives Now: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding and Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance

This paper explores the challenges of measuring refugee self-reliance along with the literature and conceptual framework of self-reliance that underpins the development of the Self-Reliance Index.

‘I Talk to Myself’: Exploring the Mental and Emotional Health Experiences of Muslim Rohingya Refugee Adolescents

‘I Talk to Myself’: Exploring the Mental and Emotional Health Experiences of Muslim Rohingya Refugee Adolescents

Publishing Organizations: Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal

Author(s): Ifrah Mahamud Magan, Elizabeth Sanchez, and Michelle R. Munson

Using Land to Promote Refugee Self-Reliance in Uganda

Using Land to Promote Refugee Self-Reliance in Uganda

Authors: Timothy Berke and Larissa Larsen

Refugee Self-Reliance and the Global Compact on Refugees: Unpacking Barriers and Opportunities for Success

Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI), the Global Refugee Youth Network (GRYN), and the Refugee-Led Research Hub (RLRH)

The wealth of refugees: how displaced people can build economies

Publishing Organizations: Oxford University Press

Author: Alexander Betts

The State of Economic Inclusion Report 2021 : The Potential to Scale

Publishing Organizations: World Bank

Authors: N/A

Self-Reliance Evidence Review

Publishing Organizations:


Self-Reliance Index Version 2.0 Cycle 2 Learning Review

This report describes what was learned about the SRI as the tool was rolled out between May 2020 and December 2021, including findings related to tool validity, scoring, reliability, training and integration of the tool.

Doing It Right, but Getting It Wrong: Best Practices for Refugee Focused Incubators

Doing It Right, but Getting It Wrong: Best Practices for Refugee Focused Incubators

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship

Author(s): Arielle Badger Newman and Lisa Jones Christensen

Empowering Refugees Through Cash and Agriculture: A Regression Discontinuity Design

Empowering Refugees Through Cash and Agriculture: A Regression Discontinuity Design

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Development Economics

Author(s): Claire MacPherson and Olivier Sterck

A Critical Ethics of Care Perspective on Refugee Income Generation: Towards Sustainable Policy and Practice in Zimbabwe’s Tongogara Camp

Publishing Organizations: Ethics and Social Welfare, Volume 15, 2021

Authors: Raymond Taruvinga, Dorothee Hölscher, Antoinette Lombard

From Livelihoods to Leisure and Back: Refugee ‘Self-Reliance’ As Collective Practices in Lebanon, India and Greece

From Livelihoods to Leisure and Back: Refugee ‘Self-Reliance’ As Collective Practices in Lebanon, India and Greece

Publishing Organizations: Third World Quarterly | Volume 42 - Issue 2

Authors: Dr. Estella Carpia, Dr. Jessica Anne Field, Sophie Isobel Dicker, Dr. Andrea Rigon

Self-reliance and inclusion

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Towards a Refugee Livelihoods Approach: Findings from Cameroon, Jordan, Malaysia and Turkey

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Authors: Caitlin Wake, and Veronique Barbelet

The Kalobeyei Settlement: A Self-reliance Model for Refugees?

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Authors: Alexander Betts, Naohiko Omata, and Olivier Sterck

Towards a Neo-cosmetic Humanitarianism: Refugee Self-reliance as a Social-cohesion Regime in Lebanon’s Halba

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Author: Estella Carpi

From Refugee to Entrepreneur? Challenges to Refugee Self-reliance in Berlin, Germany

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Author: Alexandra Embiricos

Refugee entrepreneurship and self-reliance: the UNHCR and sustainability in post-conflict Sierra Leone

Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies

Author: Claudena Skran