Economic Empowerment of Urban Refugee Youth

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Authors: Josh Chaffin, Dale Buscher

Livelihood Programming in UNHCR: Operational Guidelines

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Global Report 2012

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations; its impact and role in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR, World Food Programme

Authors: DARA

Living on the Edge: A Livelihood Status Report on Urban Refugees Living in Nairobi, Kenya

Publishing Organizations: Danish Refugee Council, UNHCR, FEG Consulting

The benefits of belonging - local integration options and opportunities for host countries, communities and refugees

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Global Report 2011

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

Promoting Livelihoods and Self-Reliance: Operational Guidance on Refugee Protection and Solutions in Urban Areas

Publishing Organization: UNHCR

Dawn in the City: Guidance for Achieving Urban Refugee Self-Reliance

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Author: Jina Krause-Vilmar

Bright Lights, Big City: Urban Refugees Struggle to Make a Living in New Delhi

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Author: Dale Buscher

The Living Ain't Easy: Urban Refugees in Kampala

Publishing Organization: Women’s Refugee Commission

Author: Jina Krause-Vilmar

Global Report 2010

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: N/A

In Search of Protection and Livelihoods

Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Embassy, Danish Embassy, Government of Kenya

Authors: N/A

The Failure of Self-Reliance in Refugee Settlements

Publishing Organization: POLIS Journal

Authors: Meredith Hunter

Participation in Sustainable Livelihoods: An Assessment of Socio-Economic Conditions in Dadaab and the Impact of DRC-Care Interventions

Publishing Organizations: PRIO, Danish Refugee Council, Care International

Authors: Cindy Horst, Khadra Elmi

“Giving out their daughters for their survival” Refugee self-reliance, ‘vulnerability’, and the paradox of early marriage

Publishing Organizations: Refugee Law Project

Authors: N/A

Refugee livelihoods: A review of the evidence

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Author: Machtelt De Vriese

The ‘refugee aid and development’ approach in Uganda: empowerment and self-reliance of refugees in practice

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Author: Sarah Meyer

Handbook for planning and implementing Development Assistance for Refugees (DAR) Programmes

Publishing Organizations: UNHCR

Authors: Amadou Jallow, Sajjad Malik

Dependency and humanitarian relief A critical analysis

Publishing Organizations: Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute

Authors: Paul Harvey, and Jeremy Lind