Global Strategy for Livelihoods 2014-2018

Livelihoods are activities that allow people to secure the basic necessities of life, such as food, water, shelter and clothing. Engaging in livelihoods activities means acquiring the knowledge, skills, social network, raw materials, and other resources to meet individual or collective needs on a sustainable basis with dignity. Livelihoods activities are usually carried out repeatedly within an income stream such as agriculture, pastoralism, fishing, employment within a market sector, or as an entrepreneur. Ideally, people work within one or multiple streams providing goods and services to a market economy based on cash exchange or barter. Work provides the basis for their food security1 and self-reliance, adding stability, prosperity and peace to the community at large. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) contributes to the ability of refugees to carry out safe and secure livelihoods activities in host communities and upon return, helping to develop an enabling environment of protection and support services, assisting refugees to gain lawful access to markets and supporting them to acquire the human, financial, social, and physical capital required to work productively.