International Refugee Congress 2018 Consultation Report

This report is based on the consultation conducted for the International Refugee Congress 2018 that is organised through the collaboration of the Research Centre on Asylum and Migration (IGAM), Human Resources Development Foundation (IKGV), Support to Life (STL), Ravda Nur Foundation, Asil Vakfi, Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work (KEDV), Education Reform Initiative (ERG), Economic Development Foundation (IKV), Network for Refugee Voices, the Turkish Refugee Council, and Oxfam. It covers a range of issues based on the findings of 475 surveys and 79 in-depth interviews with civil society organisations, including national, refugee-led, women’s, and other organisations. In sharing these findings, the report aims to provide a key substantive input into the development of thematic policy positions and recommendations for the International Refugee Congress process. In particular, it seeks to support the increased representation and influence of refugee-led and national organisations in international policymaking related to refugees. This report may also be shared through more formalised channels throughout the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) process, and other relevant policymaking processes.