Every two successive years, WFP and UNHCR undertake an assessment of the food security and nutrition situation in both Dadaab and Kakuma camps jointly with donors, the Government of Kenya, NGO partners and the refugees themselves. The key findings of this participatory process feed into the elaboration of the subsequent Joint Plan of Action (JPA), which facilitates implementation of the JAM recommendations. The previous one took place in 2012 and the 2014 JAM takes stock of what has been accomplished with regard to the recommendations then.
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative
Authors: Dr. Ilana Seff, Dr. Lindsay Stark, Kari Diener, Kellie Leeson, Ned Meerdink, Alli Gillespie
Publishing Organizations: World Bank
Authors: Jan von der Goltz, Kirsten Schuettler, Julie Bousquet, Tewodros Aragie Kebede
Publishing Organizations: Norwegian Refugee Council
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative
Author(s): Climate Risks and Self-Reliance Technical Working Group (TWG)
Publishing Organizations: Jobtech Alliance, Na'amal, Hilton Foundation
Publishing Organizations: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Author(s): Boel McAteer and Kellie Leeson
Publishing Organizations: International Rescue Committee (IRC) RE:BUiLD Program
Author(s): Author: Everlyn Kaumba with contributions from Priscilla Dembetembe, Belinda Muya, Elizabeth Mukami, Victor Otsimi, David Musiime, and Ned Meerdink
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative
Author(s): Sasha Muench
Publishing Organizations: Journal of Refugee Studies
Author(s): Blair Sackett
Publishing Organizations: Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative, RefugePoint, RELON Uganda, and R-SEAT