GRF Pledge — Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative

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A pledge to Promote Refugee Self-Reliance through Measurement, Programming and Advocacy

At the 2019 Global Refugee Forum, the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative (RSRI) was proud to present a joint pledge to promote refugee self-reliance.

This pledge highlights an initial two-year commitment to:

(1) expand the use and support for the Self-Reliance Index to measure self-reliance;

(2) increase access to self-reliance programming and;

(3) advocate to ensure an enabling environment conducive for self-reliance.

This pledge aims to improve standards of practice for refugee assistance and will contribute to the overall objective of the Refuge Self-Reliance Initiative to reach five million refugees in five years with self-reliance programming for households, inclusive of girls, boys, women, men, and LGBTQI+ persons, including those with disabilities, in all their diversity.

The RSRI will provide technical assistance to requesting humanitarian organizations on measuring the impact of their programs on refugee self-reliance through the use of the RSRI-developed Self-Reliance Index.

In doing so, the RSRI will build the evidence base on which programs work most effectively to achieve refugee self-reliance.

Over the next two years, the RSRI will reach 250,000 refugees with self-reliance programming through the work of 5 – 10 partner agencies in at least 5 countries.

RSRI partners will advocate for enabling environments conducive to achieving self-reliance and the full realization of refugee rights. Partners will also support advocacy through research that emphasizes the benefits of and pathways to self-reliance.

This is a joint pledge put forward by the following entities:

ACT Alliance
Caritas Czech Republic in Zambia
Center for Global Development
Danish Refugee Council
IKEA Foundation
International Rescue Committee
Mercy Corps
Norwegian Refugee Council
Refugees International
RefugePoint (RSRI Co-Chair)
Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat
Samuel Hall
Trickle Up United States of America, and
Women’s Refugee Commission (RSRI Co-Chair)